Wednesday, November 08, 2006

4th time!

sigh.... and i thought that phone call from the manager would be "the one" to know if i got the job or not.... looks like it's not.... he said that my customer service was good and he liked it but unfortunately, i lack of technical skills.. so he gave me "homework" to do... gave me some topics to "learn".. more of like research and today (wed) he'll call again to test me... sigh....
it's like back to college days, had to find for my old notes, books and back to researching on the net. i did manage to find the info he wanted but am not sure if that is what he wants... he'll be calling today after work to "test" me..
i'm just kinda tired that it takes so long, if i'm good enough, good but if i'm not, just say it, why put ppl at the edge? but what's really sad is that they're giving me 2k ONLY!... and after paying EPF, it leaves 1700... so how am i to survive in KL with that money? i need to rent a place, travel, food (limited rice and gravy type of food), toilteries and all the hoo haa.. where enough!!!
having a big headache...
one of my manager said not to take if they give u 2K. some of my close friends asked me, you want MONEY or EXPERIENCE? of course i want experience.... but how to survive with that much, no savings, no extra for emergencies, can't pay insurance... here in penang, though my job is considered stagnant and it's "nothing" i'm saving HALF of my pay.... HALF!!! can u beat that? i think in KL, with 1700.. i'll be OWING ppl... can't even save 10 bucks... what future would i have? a future with no savings...
so i'm in a delima... it'll be easier if i was told i didn't get the job.... sigh...

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