Monday, December 25, 2006
dad in KL
second family
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
i'm leaving in a Kelisa
Friday, December 01, 2006
FRIDAY - the worst day to be driving in penang
Things to do this Friday. Legend has it that on this day, all cars in Penang Island will be moving at 0.2 miles/ hour, or not at all.
1. Fill up your fuel tank. Make sure it's sufficient for at least 5 hours on the road. According to unsubstantiated sources, the Shell near Bayan Bay has fuel that gives the best gas mileage.
2. Empty your bowel and rectum (or back passage). You don't want your car to smell, literally, like shit.
3. Trying eating bananas (not too much). It contains folate which helps concentration and memory. It also has a high glycemic index rating (how quickly can energy be boosted).
4. Avoid drinking any kind of liquid 1 hour before you drive.
5. Bring along your PSP, iPod, biology texbooks, poker cards, tarantula.... whatever can keep you entertained (or awake) in your tiny vehicle.
6. Famine kills brain cells. Stack up tonnes of instant food in your office AND in your car.
7. Call me up (not your mom, she makes you sleep). I can lend you my ears for whatever crappy personal stories you think the world should know. It's free. The call and "saman" are not.
8. If you started coming from Motorola before 5pm, but is still stuck along the Coastal Highway, you might as well embrace one of the potential causes of traffic jam (Queensbay) and catch a late-night movie at 12am. Provided you can reach there on time. And the theater is open.
9. If you get marooned in the office, turn your office into a helicopter. This is when the hallucination kicks in.
10. Just take a full-day leave. You deserve a rest. Your bosses probably won't come either.
Monday, November 27, 2006
PEA sale

mum and her food!
dad's first time manning a stall... he gets easily excited! hahah
so mum got someone to cook devils curry with rice and veg, got some friend beehoon, she made rojak, some indian vadek and tried selling her salt fish prada (using Aunty Bah's portugese recipie) and green chilly pickle... we were there early to set the tables and arrange the food and the ppl started to come in by 10am (after morning mass)....

Saturday, November 25, 2006
bad bad bad
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
stormy stormy night

see the Kelisa my dad got after he pensioned? it's parked infront of the main gate
KING, the dog of the house
ahahah after taking some pics, i took Anna out for banana leaf dinner.. i'm sure it's been a while since she had that ... and me too!! haven't been there for quite some time....
so... the episode of the ciku tree... hmmm i forgot to ask Anna if there were any edible ciku to eat... i'm sort of craving for ciku when i came back from KL... dunno why.... NO! i'm not pregnant! i'm having my period now... :P
Thursday, November 16, 2006
it's done
Friday, November 10, 2006
still waiting
Thursday, November 09, 2006
train ride...

this is the free "complimentary refreshments" we got - mineral water & lil cupcake (the sandwiches were RM6.30 for 2 sandwiches we bought)there, my dad ever so excited about this train ride, note the lil ladder on the left of the pic and the lil sink on the right bottom of the sink..
tht's me looking very tired.... AND sleepy... went to sleep straight after that!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
4th time!
Monday, November 06, 2006
the countdown begins
am so scared now.... the guy sounded nice though, but then again, he's the manager... so...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
shouldn't have come
the train ride
dad got excited, first time in this "1st class" berth.... he was looking around, checking things out... he took the top bunk bed.. hahahahah.... he wanted to go to the "food" coach to get our "complimentary refreshments"... KTM.. 1 st class... u think it'll be the same as flying 1st class in MAS? .... NOT!!... so giving them reasonable doubt, it would be packet drink and nasi lemak... BUT in the end.... all we had was a bottle of mineral water (which is good) and NO nasi lemak, instead.... one small (nice looking) cup cake... sigh....